our world
At Third Culture Tales Stories Beyond Borders, we celebrate the voices of individuals whose lives have been shaped by movement between cultures. We are a platform dedicated to sharing stories from Third Culture Kids (TCKs), global nomads, immigrants, and anyone whose identity blends experiences from multiple worlds. Through storytelling, poetry, art, and music, we explore the complexities of belonging, identity, and the beauty of living in the spaces between cultures.
What We Do
At Third Culture Tales Stories Beyond Borders we organize events in cities and countries around the world where individuals share their experiences of living between cultures through storytelling, poetry, music, and other expressions of art. We connect global communities by celebrating the diverse narratives of third culture individuals and those impacted by cross-cultural journeys
Read the Latest
Explore a broader definition of Third Culture Individuals, including long-term immigrants, expats, and frequent travelers. Discover how the rise in global migration, refugee flows, and cheap air travel have transformed the social landscape, making multiculturalism a shared experience for everyone.
Contact Us
Interested in hosting or performing at Third Culture Tales? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us via the form below.